August 18th, 2019
This week scouts Zach G. and Clyde D. attended NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) at J.N. Webster Scout Reservation. Besides learning loads of teaching, problem solving, and leadership techniques, the boys are bringing back ideas to help further the effectiveness of the troop. Rest assured, this coming season will be packed with growth for Troop 92.
July 26th, 2019
The week of summer camp spent at camp Workcoeman turned out eventful and unforgettable. Here are some quick notes on events that took place: – We earned Class “A” Troop again, with 2 days of 100% on campsite inspections – Fin and Loic (brave first-year) gallantly rowed our boat (which instantly turned into a submarine) in the ducktape and cardboard ship race – A wave of sickness swept and rattled our ranks (affecting 6 people), although full recoverys were made by many scouts – The ironman was completed by scouts such as Fin Hickey and Tyler Caron and scouter Mr. Houseman (Who boldly did it 4 times in one week!) – Our troop’s skit was a parody of the legendary “scoop it up, shovel it up, pile it to the sky” skit, and got the crowd roaring with laughter – SPL Nate Rearick was awarded “Camper of the Year” award partly stemming from his persistent leadership qualities – Rank Advancements were made and Fin Hickey acheived Second Class while Tyler Caron earned Life – Our troop took part in a two hour conservation project to benefit the camp’s trails by spreading mulch – Scouts Liam, Nate and Evan were awarded with the sixth year veteran camper award, succesfully taking part in their final year of summer camp as a scout – Our troop won the corn shucking competition, even managing to beat the staff team! – The “Burnt French Toast” Patrol won numerous patrol challenges for our troop adding to our teeming collection of shiny ribbons
May 3rd, 2019
Please join us for our annual Ziti Dinner fundraiser Saturday, May 4, 2019 from 4:30 — 7:00 PM in the First Congregational Church Parish Hall (111 Church Drive, Cheshire, CT 06410).
Scouts should arrive by 2:45 PM in their red activity uniform t-shirts with jeans, a troop hat, and closed toe shoes.
March 19th, 2019
Please come wearing your uniforms, which helps present a not only a dignified view of our troop but a unified group as well. Also, please be on your best behavior and maybe even bring along notebooks for taking notes- the advice may be needed in the coming months for backpacking.
February 4th, 2019
Photos from last weekend’s Klondike are now available. Congratulations to the Ace of Spades patrol for winning first place!
Photos from other recent Troop events have also been added to the Troop Photo Gallery over the last several weeks; be sure to check them out. If you have photos that you’d like included in the Troop Photo Gallery, email them to [email protected].
March 6th, 2018
Last Saturday, Troop 92 held its annual Ziti Dinner fundraiser. The hard work of the Scouts (pictured below) made the event a success! A special thanks to our sponsors and all those who attended.

January 25th, 2018
On March 3, 2018, from 4:30 – 7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop 92 is having their Annual Ziti Dinner Fundraiser. The Ziti Dinner will be held at the First Congregational Church Parish Hall on the Cheshire Town Green, 111 Church Drive in Cheshire CT. Requested Donation is $10.00 per person (those under 4 and youth in scout uniform are free). Senior Discount is $7.00 with a maximum family rate of $35.